Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New year -- new resolutions

Hi again; can't believe how I have let my blog go for so long AGAIN! (darn Facebook!)So here it is, 2011 and I am once again resolving to post more on my blog.

This first entry will be about regular day-to-day pictures (what, pictures? why would I think about pictures?)

Over the Christmas holidays I must have been in a nostalgic mood, cuz when I was trying to figure out what to give my kids for Christmas (always a struggle, since they are guys, and being a girl AND their mother, we don't always think of the same things) I somehow came up with the idea of putting a CD together of past Christmases with our families. As I was going through my MANY photo albums of the past years, I noticed something terrible! After 2003ish I didn't have any pictures in the albums anymore.

After I started taking digital pictures I didn't print out prints anymore. At the time it seemed logical, why print out pictures when I could just save them to a CD and it takes up much less space, right? BUT as I was going through all of those wonderful memories from years past, suddenly I had to stop, look for the CD with the rest of the images and put them in my computer to view them. WAY too much work for me (yes, I'm basically lazy!). Not only that, I had to FIND those CD's.

There is something so relaxing and satisfying to thumb through a photo album and look at past years. Somehow viewing on a computer is not the same. More pluses? You don't need the computer to look at them, and you can write little notes or the dates on the back of the picture. You can gather the family around you on the floor or on the sofa and be comfortable. Much better than huddling around the computer screen, lol. And you can quickly thumb through the album to find that one picture you were looking for when you can't exactly remember when it was taken.

Maybe I'm a little old-fashioned, but I guess I have that right.

And yes the photo albums take up a little more space, but I think the benefits outweigh that little inconvenience.

Don't you?

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